What Is the Weather?
Bright, colorful photos support decodable text, guiding beginning readers to identify, recognize, and use the voiced /th/ sound. Featuring high-frequency words, this authentic nonfiction text also gives emerging readers the opportunity to read for information while reinforcing basic phonemic sounds. In this book, a narrator wonders what the weather will be today. This nonfiction phonics title is paired with the fiction phonics title I Have Another Brother: Practicing the Voiced TH Sound.
The instructional guide on the inside front and back covers provides:
* Word List with carefully selected grade-appropriate words featuring the voiced /th/ sound found in the text
* Teacher Talk that assists instructors in introducing the voiced /th/ sound
* Group Activity that guides students to identify the voiced /th/ sound, decode the words that contain it, and use the words
* Extended Activity that provides students with additional opportunities to think about, list, and use words containing the voiced /th/ sound
* Writing Activity that guides students to write the letters that make the voiced /th/ sound