Focus on Social and Emotional Learning Series

Using Literature to Support Social and Emotional Learning Instruction
Literacy shares a strong and mutually enhancing connection with SEL. Learn about print and digital resources to support Social and Emotional Learning for grades K-6. This webinar will feature newly released picture books, nonfiction texts, a literature-based curriculum that reinforces the CASEL competencies, and ideas for using them all in your classroom.
A School-Wide Approach to Social and Emotional Learning
Learn from Behavioral Specialist Marcy Carter about how her school has implemented an award-winning school-wide program to meet the SEL needs of their students. Marcy will provide practical tips for beginning or growing your SEL program into one that will significantly impact your students' health, safety, and achievement.
Marcy Carter is the behavioral specialist at Northwood Elementary in the Parchment School District in Kalamazoo, Michigan, which has received a Whole Child Award from the Michigan ASCD.
Data-Driven Instruction for Social and Emotional Learning
As with core instruction, formative and summative data can guide SEL instructional decisions and identify students who need additional support. Learn about CASEL-aligned strategies and assessment tools that may be used to support SEL instruction and determine social and emotional growth.
A Three-Part Systematic Approach to Meeting the SEL Needs of Our Students
Dr. Ric, Oct 27th - Part 1
A Literacy-Based Approach to Social and Emotional Learning
Join Rosen Classroom to explore our print and digital Focus on Social and Emotional Learning program for K–6th grade classrooms. We will explore the 30-week standards-based curriculum that teaches social and emotional learning through a literacy-based approach. The program includes Fiction and Nonfiction texts, Focus Lessons, Writing and Extension Activities, and Formative Assessments to make it easy for educators to implement SEL content using ELA instructional strategies.
A Three-Part Systematic Approach to Meeting the SEL Needs of Our Students
Dr. Ric and Dina Strasser, Nov 2nd - Part 2
Creating an Integrated, Research-based SEL Program to Support Student Needs
Our students deserve to be supported with a whole-child framework in a school environment built around acceptance, belonging, and connections. Join us to learn from an educational leader about how you can create an effective integrated elementary SEL program. Dina Strasser is a former Fulbright Scholar and veteran educator of 20 years. Her words on education have been published in The New York Times, The London Times, Education Week, and ASCD's Educational Leadership. She currently serves as a K–12 ENL teacher in upstate New York.
A Three-Part Systematic Approach to Meeting the SEL Needs of Our Students
Dr. Ric and Dr. Clark McKown, Nov 9th - Part 3
Using Student Data to Inform SEL Instruction
Addressing students' urgent academic and SEL needs calls for a data-driven approach to both guide instructional decisions and measure students' social and emotional growth. Join us to explore why data-driven academic integration of SEL is so crucial in our schools.
The discussion covered:
- Why SEL is critical in our schools
- Relevant SEL research
- Benefits of assessment with CASEL-aligned curriculum
- Closing learning gaps through explicit SEL instruction
Data-Driven Academic Integration of SEL
Join our discussion with SEL experts to explore why data-driven academic integration of SEL is so crucial in our schools. Our students deserve to be supported with a whole-child framework in a school environment built around acceptance, belonging, and connections.
The discussion will cover:
- Why SEL is critical in our schools
- The federal and state education policies surrounding SEL
- Correlating the research around academic growth and SEL
- Benefits of assessment with CASEL-aligned curriculum for grades K–6
- Selecting the proper assessment tool
- Closing learning gaps through explicit SEL instruction
An Introduction to Our K–6 Focus on Social and Emotional Learning Program
Rosen Classroom explored our print and digital Focus on Social and Emotional Learning (FOSEL) program for K–6th grade classrooms, which is a 30-week standards-based curriculum that teaches SEL through a literacy-based approach. We also covered features from the program, such as grade level books for the classroom, digital access for “anytime learning,” and teacher resources and tools.
Hear Directly from Educator Dina Strasser: Integrating an SEL Program to Address the Importance of Supporting Our Students
Learn from an educational leader about how you can create an effective elementary SEL program! Dina Strasser is a former Fulbright Scholar and veteran educator of 20 years. Invoking her years of experience, Strasser shared her take on the importance of supporting students’ SEL in this session with Rosen Classroom.
CASEL’s Five Competencies and How They Provide the Framework for Our SEL Program
Dr. Hasenyager shared how he has led work to integrate the CASEL competencies into a literacy-based SEL curriculum with specific, grade-appropriate strategies. He introduced how the CASEL’s five competencies provide the framework for each grade level’s books, lesson plans, and focused activity lessons. He also covered how the program can be pulled apart for flexible implementation according to the needs of students and teachers during the school year.
Hear Directly from the Authors of Literacy with Heart: Building a Research-Based Program
Take a deeper dive into how our program was researched and built to meet the emotional needs of our students and create a foundation for their future. Review our white paper, Literacy with Heart, with two of the three authors!
“Research underscores the essential need for SEL competencies not only as a means to an academic end, but to the growth of students as well-rounded, grounded, healthy people who are socially engaged and connected.”
Support Your Students Over the Summer with Ease
Dr. Hasenyager shared how our print and digital Focus on Social and Emotional Learning (FOSEL) program for K–6th grade classrooms can support your students over the summer months. We also covered features from the program, such as grade level books for the classroom, digital access for “anytime learning,” strategies for summer learning, and teacher resources and tools.
Hear Directly from Educator Dina Rocheleau: A Literacy-Based Approach to Social and Emotional Learning
Learn from two leaders how you can create an effective elementary SEL program. Dina Rocheleau, former assistant superintendent of instruction for Ferndale School District, described how, as a community, they implemented an SEL program throughout her district. Dr. Hasenyager then shared how he has led work to integrate the CASEL competencies into a literacy-based SEL curriculum with specific, grade-appropriate strategies.