Computer Science for the Real World
In today’s world, Computer Science literacy is as important as reading, writing, and math. Computer science
will be
a part of every student’s future career, regardless of the discipline, and is therefore an essential part of
and career readiness. At school districts throughout the country, and in conjunction with parents’ wishes,
science instruction is beginning in the earliest grades where computational thinking and concepts of digital
citizenship can be cultivated across the curriculum.
program created specifically to embed core concepts and core
practices from the new K12CS Framework into high interest non-fiction and fiction leveled texts that deal with
mandated grade-appropriate subjects in science and social studies. The subtitle of each title indicates the
or practice from the K12CS Framework and ISTE Curriculum made accessible to the target audience. The back cover
indicates the GRL level as well as the exact concept or practice from the Framework.

Computer Science for the Real World
- Paco's Winter Plan: What's the Problem?
- The Princess and Her Gems: Putting Data in Order
- I Watch the Weather: What Will Happen?
- Rosa's Rabbit: Step by Step
- We Plant Vegetables: Working as a Team
- Willa the Witch Makes Magic: Checking Your Work
- My Little Plant: If...Then
- My School Supplies: Sharing and Reusing
- Sara Sees Signs: Looking at Data
- Tara Takes a Vote: Gathering Data
- Li Lost His Mitten: Fixing a Problem
- Ty's American Flag: Breaking Down the Problem
- Dinosaurs Have Manners: Digital Citizenship
- Gina Goes to School: Over and Over Again
- The Lost Prince: Sticking to It
- We Make Cookies: Working at the Same Time
- I Find Signs: Looking at Data
- Our Field Trip: Gathering Data
- My Class Makes a Flag: Breaking Down the Problem
- Where Is My Umbrella?: Fixing a Problem
- Our Family Rules: Digital Citizenship
- What I Do Every Day: Over and Over Again
- Finding My School: Sticking to It
- My Family Meal: Working at the Same Time
Grades K–1
(6-PKs of 32 Titles) • 978-1-5081-3829-7 • $1,190.40 | $1,008.00
- El conejo de Rosa: Paso a paso (Rosa's Rabbit: Step by Step)
- El plan invernal de Paco: ¿Cuál es el problema? (Paco's Winter Plan: What's the Problem?)
- La princesa y sus joyas: Ordenar los datos (The Princess and Her Gems: Putting Data in Order)
- Lo que llevo a la escuela: Compartir y reutilizar (My School Supplies: Sharing and Reusing)
- Mi pequeña planta: Si... Entonces (My Little Plant: If...Then)
- Miro el tiempo: ¿Qué ocurrirá? (I Watch the Weather: What Will Happen?)
- Plantamos hortalizas: Trabajar en equipo (We Plant Vegetables: Working as a Team)
- Willa la bruja hace magia: Comprobar tu trabajo (Willa the Witch Makes Magic: Checking Your Work)
- ¡Parece que va a llover!: ¿Cuál es el problema? (Looks Like Rain!: What's the Problem?)
- ¡Úsalo de nuevo!: Compartir y reutilizar (Use It Again!: Sharing and Reusing)
- Clasifico rocas: Ordenar los datos (I Sort Rocks: Putting Data in Order)
- Hacer hielo: Comprobar tu trabajo (Making Ice: Checking Your Work)
- Las flores necesitan sol: Si... Entonces (Flowers Need Sun: If...Then)
- Mi ratón favorito: Paso a paso (My Pet Mouse: Step by Step)
- Nuestro huerto: Trabajar en equipo (Our Vegetable Garden: Working as a Team)
- Sigamos la tormenta: ¿Qué ocurrirá? (Let's Track the Storm: What Will Happen?)
- El príncipe perdido: Mantenerse ahí (The Lost Prince: Sticking to It)
- Gina va a la escuela: Una y otra vez (Gina Goes to School: Over and Over Again)
- Hacemos galletas: Trabajar al mismo tiempo (We Make Cookies: Working at the Same Time)
- La bandera americana de Ty: Fragmentar el problema (Ty's American Flag: Breaking Down the Problem)
- Li pierde su mitón: Resolver el problema (Li Lost His Mitten: Fixing a Problem)
- Los modales de los dinosaurios: Ciudadanía digital (Dinosaurs Have Manners: Digital Citizenship)
- Sara ve signos: Revisar los datos (Sara Sees Signs: Looking at Data)
- Tara pone a votación: Recopilar datos (Tara Takes a Vote: Gathering Data)
- ¿Dónde está mi paraguas?: Resolver el problema (Where Is My Umbrella?: Fixing a Problem)
- Encontrar mi escuela: Mantenerse ahí (Finding My School: Sticking to It)
- Encuentro señales: Revisar los datos (I Find Signs: Looking at Data)
- Las reglas de nuestra familia: Ciudadanía digital (Our Family Rules: Digital Citizenship)
- Lo que hago a diario: Una y otra vez (What I Do Every Day: Over and Over Again)
- Mi clase hace una bandera: Fragmentar el problema (My Class Makes a Flag: Breaking Down the Problem)
- Mi comida familiar: Trabajar al mismo tiempo (My Family Meal: Working at the Same Time)
- Nuestra excursión : Recopilar datos (Our Field Trip: Gathering Data)
Grades K–1 | SPANISH
(6-PKs of 32 Titles) • 978-1-5383-5916-7 • $1,190.40 | $1,008.00
- I Count Fish: Looking at Data
- What Do You See in Nature?: Gathering Data
- Our Class Lizard: Breaking Down the Problem
- Stars at the Science Museum: What Will Happen?
- What's Wrong with the Magnet?: Fixing a Problem
- Building a Race Car: Checking Your Work
- Honeybees Work Together: Working as a Team
- Why Do Things Fall?: If...Then
- Dev Plans a Food Drive: What's the Problem?
- Keesha Counts Money: Putting Data in Order
- Amy Uses the Alphabet: Step by Step
- Kaydra's Cornrows: Over and Over Again
- President for the Day!: Digital Citizenship
- My Community Project: Sharing and Reusing
- Donna Plays Double Dutch: Working at the Same Time
- Tomás’s Puzzle: Sticking to It
- Let's Count Coins: Putting Data in Order
- We Help Our Community: What's the Problem?
- Helping at the Library: Step by Step
- At the Hair Salon: Over and Over Again
- Our Class Rules: Digital Citizenship
- Let's Learn Double Dutch!: Working at the Same Time
- Our Class Clothing Drive: Sharing and Reusing
- Puzzle Pieces: Sticking to It
Grades 1–2
(6-PKs of 32 Titles) • 978-1-5383-5917-4 • $1,353.60 | $1,152.00
- El paseo de Nina por la naturaleza: Recopilar datos (Nina's Nature Walk: Gathering Data)
- Mi imán: Resolver el problema (My Magnet: Fixing a Problem)
- Mi mascota dinosaurio: Fragmentar el problema (My Pet Dinosaur: Breaking Down the Problem)
- Mia la sirena: Analizar los datos (Mia the Mermaid: Looking at Data)
- Nuestra colonia de hormigas: Trabajar en equipo (Our Ant Farm: Working as a Team)
- Reed hace un auto de carreras: Comprobar tu trabajo (Reed Makes a Racecar: Checking Your Work)
- Sofía va al Museo de Ciencias: ¿Qué ocurrirá? (Sofia Goes to the Science Museum: What Will Happen?)
- Tasha intenta volar: Si... Entonces (Tasha Tries to Fly: If...Then)
- ¿Por qué caen las cosas?: Si... Entonces (Why Do Things Fall?: If...Then)
- ¿Qué va mal en el imán?: Resolver el problema (What's Wrong with the Magnet?: Fixing a Problem)
- ¿Qué ves en la naturaleza?: Recopilar datos (What Do You See in Nature?: Gathering Data)
- Construir un auto de carreras: Comprobar tu trabajo (Building a Racecar: Checking Your Work)
- Cuento los peces: Analizar los datos (I Count Fish: Looking at Data)
- El lagarto de nuestra clase: Fragmentar el problema (Our Class Lizard: Breaking Down the Problem)
- Las abejas trabajan juntas: Trabajar en equipo (Honeybees Work Together: Working as a Team)
- Las estrellas en el Museo de Ciencias: ¿Qué ocurrirá? (Stars at the Science Museum: What Will Happen?)
- ¡Presidente por un día!: Ciudadanía digital (President for the Day!: Digital Citizenship)
- Amy usa el abecedario: Paso a paso (Amy Uses the Alphabet: Step by Step)
- Dev planea una colecta de alimentos: ¿Cuál es el problema? (Dev Plans a Food Drive: What's the Problem?)
- Donna salta la cuerda doble: Trabajar al mismo tiempo (Donna Plays Double Dutch: Working at the Same Time)
- El rompecabezas de Tomás: Mantenerse ahí (Tomás's Puzzle: Sticking to It)
- Keesha cuenta dinero: Ordenar los datos (Keesha Counts Money: Putting Data in Order)
- Las trenzas de Kaydra: Una y otra vez (Kaydra's Cornrows: Over and Over Again)
- Mi proyecto comunitario: Compartir y reutilizar (My Community Project: Sharing and Reusing)
- ¡Aprendamos a saltar la cuerda doble!: Trabajar al mismo tiempo (Let's Learn Double Dutch!: Working at the Same Time)
- Ayudamos a nuestra comunidad: ¿Cuál es el problema? (We Help Our Community: What's the Problem?)
- Ayudar en la biblioteca: Paso a paso (Helping at the Library: Step by Step)
- Contamos monedas: Ordenar los datos (Let's Count Coins: Putting Data in Order)
- La colecta de ropa de la clase: Compartir y reutilizar (Our Class Clothing Drive: Sharing and Reusing)
- En la peluquería: Una y otra vez (At the Hair Salon: Over and Over Again)
- Las reglas de nuestra clase: Ciudadanía digital (Our Class Rules: Digital Citizenship)
- Piezas de rompecabezas: Mantenerse ahí (Puzzle Pieces: Sticking to It)
(6-PKs of 32 Titles) • 978-1-5081-3830-3 • $1,353.60 | $1,152.00
- Our Class Traits: Gathering Data
- Which Materials Float?: What's the Problem?
- Building a Birdhouse: Step by Step
- How Do Planets Move?: What Will Happen?
- We Study Wind: Breaking Down the Problem
- What's Wrong with the Experiment?: Fixing a Problem
- The Life Cycle of an Apple Tree: Over and Over Again
- Using the Sun's Energy: If...Then
- Cultures in Our Class: Looking at Data
- Kate's Camp Friends: Putting Data in Order
- Ana Is a Citizen!: Digital Citizenship
- Selena Saves Money: Checking Your Work
- We Work Together for Equality!: Working as a Team
- My Mom Can Code: Careers in Computers
- Robin Recycles: Sharing and Reusing
- Sasha's Silly Sock Business: Working at the Same Time
- Community Cultures: Looking at Data
- Different Kinds of Communities: Putting Data in Order
- Communities Work Together: Working as a Team
- Our Class Budget: Checking Your Work
- What Does Citizenship Mean?: Digital Citizenship
- A Career in Coding: Careers in Computers
- At the Recycling Center: Sharing and Reusing
- Our Class Business: Working at the Same Time
Grades 2–3
(6-PKs of 32 Titles) • 978-1-5383-5918-1 • $1,526.40 | $1,296.00
- ¡Jameer despega!: ¿Qué ocurrirá? (Jameer Blasts Off!: What Will Happen?)
- El avión de Akeem: Fragmentar el problema (Akeem's Airplane: Breaking Down the Problem)
- La capitana del barco: ¿Cuál es el problema? (Captain of the Ship: What's the Problem?)
- La mariposa de Bella: Una y otra vez (Bella's Butterfly: Over and Over Again)
- La pajarera de Ben: Paso a paso (Ben's Birdhouse: Step By Step)
- Las facciones de Mateo: Recopilar datos (Mateo's Family Traits: Gathering Data)
- Los paneles solares de Sam: Si... Entonces (Sam's Solar Panels: If… Then)
- Mi proyecto de ciencias: Resolver el problema (My Science Project: Fixing a Problem)
- ¿Cómo se mueven los planetas?: ¿Qué ocurrirá? (How Do Planets Move?: What Will Happen?)
- ¿Qué error hay en el experimento?: Resolver el problema (What's Wrong with the Experiment?: Fixing a Problem)
- ¿Qué materiales flotan?: ¿Cuál es el problema? (Which Materials Float?: What's the Problem?)
- Construir una pajarera: Paso a paso (Building a Birdhouse: Step By Step)
- El ciclo de vida de un manzano: Una y otra vez (The Life Cycle of an Apple Tree: Over and Over Again)
- Estudiamos el viento: Fragmentar el problema (We Study Wind: Breaking Down the Problem)
- Las facciones de la clase: Recopilar datos (Our Class Traits: Gathering Data)
- Usando la energía solar: Si... Entonces (Using the Sun's Energy: If… Then)
- ¡Ana es una ciudadana!: Ciudadanía digital (Ana Is a Citizen!: Digital Citizenship)
- ¡Trabajamos juntos por la igualdad!: Trabajar en equipo (We Work Together for Equality!: Working as a Team)
- El negocio de calcetines chistosos de Sasha: Trabajar al mismo tiempo (Sasha's Silly Sock Business: Working at the Same Time)
- La culturas en nuestra clase: Revisar los datos (Cultures in Our Class: Looking at Data)
- Los amigos de Kate en el campamento: Ordenar los datos (Kate's Camp Friends: Putting Data in Order)
- Mi mamá puede programar: Carreras en computación (My Mom Can Code: Careers in Computers)
- Robin recicla: Compartir y reutilizar (Robin Recycles: Sharing and Reusing)
- Selena ahorra dinero: Comprobar tu trabajo (Selena Saves Money: Checking Your Work)
- ¿Qué significa la ciudadanía?: Ciudadanía digital (What Does Citizenship Mean?: Digital Citizenship)
- Culturas Comunitarias: Revisar los datos (Community Cultures: Looking at Data)
- Diferentes tipos de comunidades: Ordenar los datos (Different Kinds of Communities: Putting Data in Order)
- El negocio de nuestra clase: Trabajar al mismo tiempo (Our Class Business: Working at the Same Time)
- En el centro de reciclaje: Compartir y reutilizar (At the Recycling Center: Sharing and Reusing)
- Las comunidades trabajan juntas: Trabajar en equipo (Communities Work Together: Working as a Team)
- Nuestro presupuesto de clase: Comprobar tu trabajo (Our Class Budget: Checking Your Work)
- Una carrera en programación: Carreras en computación (A Career in Coding: Careers in Computers)
(6-PKs of 32 Titles) • 978-1-5383-5919-8 • $1,526.40 | $1,296.00
- Jada’s Summer Project: Organizing Data
- Molly Makes Electricity: Testing and Checking
- My Body Systems: Working as a Team
- My Family Goes Green! Defining the Problem
- My Science Flowchart: Following Instructions
- Tarik’s Telescope: Fixing the Problem
- The Rainy Day: Working in a Loop
- Victor’s Volcano: Showing Events and Processes
- We Study Temperature: Organizing Data
- Finding the Best Conductor: Testing and Checking
- Teamwork Makes the Body Work! Working as a Team
- What Is Clean Energy? Defining the Problem
- Fun With Flowcharts: Following Instructions
- What’s Wrong with the Microscope? Fixing the Problem
- What’s the Water Cycle? Working in a Loop
- How Do Volcanoes Explode? Showing Events and Processes
- Cristina Studies Laws: If...Then
- Ellie’s Trip to Ellis Island: Collecting Data
- Luis Gets Involved: Breaking Down the Problem
- My Class Government: Sharing and Reusing
- My Trip to Boston: Working at the Same Time
- Sanjay’s Civil War Project: Looking at Data
- We Make an App: Careers in Computers
- Yumi Uses the Internet: Digital Citizenship
- Following the Law: If...Then
- Let’s Study Immigration: Collecting Data
- Our Local Government: Breaking Down the Problem
- Our Bill of Rights: Sharing and Reusing
- Looking for Landmarks: Working at the Same Time
- Bloodiest Civil War Battles: Looking at Data
- Web Developers at Work: Careers in Computers
- Computer Dos and Dont’s: Digital Citizenship
Grades 3–4
(6-PKs of 32 Titles) • 978-1-5383-5960-0 • $1,689.60 | $1,440.00
- ¡Mi familia se vuelve ecológica! Definir el problema (My Family Goes Green! Defining the Problem)
- El día lluvioso: Trabajar en bucles (The Rainy Day: Working in a Loop)
- El proyecto de verano de Jada: Organizar los datos (Jada’s Summer Project: Organizing Data)
- El telescopio de Tarik: Resolver el problema (Tarik’s Telescope: Fixing the Problem)
- El volcán de Víctor: Mostrar eventos y procesos (Victor’s Volcano: Showing Events and Processes)
- Los sistemas de mi cuerpo: Trabajar en equipo (My Body Systems: Working as a Team)
- Mi organigrama científico: Seguir instrucciones (My Science Flowchart: Following Instructions)
- Molly genera electricidad: Probar y verificar (Molly Makes Electricity: Testing and Checking)
- ¿Qué es la energía renovable? Definir el problema (What Is Clean Energy? Defining the Problem)
- ¿Qué es el ciclo del agua? Trabajar en bucles (What’s the Water Cycle? Working in a Loop)
- Estudiamos la temperatura: Organizar los datos (We Study Temperature: Organizing Data)
- ¿Qué le pasa al microscopio? Resolver el problema (What’s Wrong with the Microscope? Fixing the Problem)
- ¿Cómo hacen erupción los volcanes? Mostrar eventos y procesos (How Do Volcanoes Explode? Showing Events and Processes)
- ¡El trabajo en equipo hace que el cuerpo funcione! Trabajar en equipo (Teamwork Makes the Body Work! Working as a Team)
- Vamos a divertirnos con organigramas: Seguir instrucciones (Fun with Flowcharts: Following Instructions)
- Vamos a encontrar el mejor conductor: Probar y verificar (Finding the Best Conductor: Testing and Checking)
- Creamos una aplicación: Carreras en computación (We Make an App: Careers in Computers)
- Cristina estudia las leyes: Si...Entonces (Cristina Studies Law: If...Then)
- El gobierno de mi clase: Compartir y reutilizar (My Class Government: Sharing and Reusing)
- El proyecto de Sanjay sobre la Guerra Civil: Revisar los datos (Sanjay’s Civil War Project: Looking at Data)
- Ellie visita Ellis Island: Recabar datos (Ellie’s Trip to Ellis Island: Collecting Data)
- Luis decide participar: Fragmentar el problema (Luis Gets Involved: Breaking Down the Problem)
- Mi viaje a Boston: Trabajar al mismo tiempo (My Trip to Boston: Working at the Same Time)
- Yumi utiliza la internet: Ciudadanía digital (Yumi Uses the Internet: Digital Citizenship)
- Desarrolladores de web en el trabajo: Carreras en computación (Web Developers at Work: Careers in Computers)
- Cumplir con la ley: Si...Entonces (Following the Law: If...Then)
- Nuestra Declaración de Derechos: Compartir y reutilizar (Our Bill of Rights: Sharing and Reusing)
- Las batallas más sangrientas de la Guerra Civil: Revisar los datos (Bloodiest Civil War Battles: Looking at Data)
- Vamos a estudiar la inmigración: Recabar datos (Let’s Study Immigration: Collecting Data)
- Nuestro Gobierno local: Fragmentar el problema (Our Local Government: Breaking Down the Problem)
- Busquemos puntos de referencia: Trabajar al mismo tiempo (Looking for Landmarks: Working at the Same Time)
- Lo que se debe y lo que no se debe hacer en informática: Ciudadanía digital (Computer Dos and Don’ts: Digital Citizenship)
Grades 3–4 | SPANISH
(6-PKs of 32 Titles) • 978-1-5383-5954-9 • $1,689.60 | $1,440.00
- Felicia Studies Food Chains: Working in a Loop
- Fen Fixes Her Circuit: Fixing the Problem
- The Great Pest Problem: Defining the Problem
- I Study Day and Night: Organizing Data
- Kara Is a Chemist: Testing and Checking
- Our Rock Hunt: If...Then
- Rae Builds a Robot: Following Instructions
- Taylor Tracks Animals: Collecting Data
- Food Chains in the Forest: Working in a Loop
- What’s Wrong with the Circuit? Fixing the Problem
- Everglades Invasion! Defining the Problem
- Let’s Measure Daylight: Organizing Data
- Fun with Chemistry: Testing and Checking
- How Are Rocks Formed? If...Then
- We Build a Drone: Following Instructions
- What Happened to the Ecosystem? Collecting Data
- Luna Studies Population: Analyzing Data
- Malia the Mechanic: Sharing and Reusing
- My Class Campaign: Working as a Team
- My Dad Develops Software: Careers in Computers
- Our Assembly Line: Working at the Same Time
- Our School Play: Showing Events and Processes
- Rafi’s Research Paper: Breaking Down the Problem
- Warren Makes a Website: Digital Citizenship
- The Population of Chicago: Analyzing Data
- Where Does Scrap Metal Go? Sharing and Reusing
- The Three Branches of Government: Working as a Team
- What Do Software Engineers Do? Careers in Computers
- The Amazing Assembly Line: Working at the Same Time
- The American Revolution Up Close! Showing Events and Processes
- Which Sources Should I Use? Breaking Down the Problem
- Online Rights and Responsibilities: Digital Citizenship
Grades 4–5
(6-PKs of 32 Titles) • 978-1-5383-5963-1 • $1,689.60 | $1,440.00
- El gran problema de las plagas: Definir el problema (The Great Pest Problem: Defining the Problem)
- Estudio el día y la noche: Organizar los datos (I Study Day and Night: Organizing Data)
- Felicia estudia las cadenas alimentarias: Trabajar en bucles (Felicia Studies Food Chains: Working in a Loop)
- Fen arregla su circuito: Resolver el problema (Fen Fixes Her Circuit: Fixing the Problem)
- Kara es una química: Probar y verificar (Kara Is a Chemist: Testing and Checking)
- Nuestra caza de rocas: Si...Entonces (Our Rock Hunt: If...Then)
- Rae construye un robot: Seguir instrucciones (Rae Builds a Robot: Following Instructions)
- Taylor rastrea animales: Recabar datos (Taylor Tracks Animals: Collecting Data)
- ¡La invasión de los Everglades! Definir el problema (Everglades Invasion! Defining the Problem)
- Vamos a medir la luz del día: Organizar los datos (Let’s Measure Daylight: Organizing Data)
- Las cadenas alimentarias en el bosque: Trabajar en bucles (Food Chains in the Forest: Working in a Loop)
- ¿Qué le pasa al circuito? Resolver el problema (What’s Wrong with the Circuit? Fixing the Problem)
- Vamos a divertirnos con la química: Probar y verificar (Fun with Chemistry: Testing and Checking)
- ¿Cómo se forman las rocas? Si...Entonces (How Are Rocks Formed? If...Then)
- Construimos un dron: Seguir instrucciones (We Build a Drone: Following Instructions)
- ¿Qué le pasó al ecosistema? Recabar datos (What Happened to the Ecosystem? Collecting Data)
- El informe de investigación de Rafi: Fragmentar el problema (Rafi’s Research Paper: Breaking Down the Problem)
- Luna estudia la población: Analizar los datos (Luna Studies Population: Analyzing Data)
- Malia, la mecánica: Compartir y reutilizar (Malia the Mechanic: Sharing and Reusing)
- Mi campaña para la clase: Trabajar en equipo (My Class Campaign: Working as a Team)
- Mi papá desarrolla software: Carreras en computación (My Dad Develops Software: Careers in Computers)
- Nuestra línea de montaje: Trabajar al mismo tiempo (Our Assembly Line: Working at the Same Time)
- Nuestra obra escolar: Mostrar eventos y procesos (Our School Play: Showing Events and Processes)
- Warren construye un sitio web: Ciudadanía digital (Warren Makes a Website: Digital Citizenship)
- ¿Qué fuentes debo usar? Fragmentar el problema (Which Sources Should I Use? Breaking Down the Problem)
- La población de Chicago: Analizar los datos (The Population of Chicago: Analyzing Data)
- ¿A dónde va la chatarra? Compartir y reutilizar (Where Does Scrap Metal Go? Sharing and Reusing)
- Las tres ramas del gobierno: Trabajar en equipo (The Three Branches of Government: Working as a Team)
- ¿Qué hacen los ingenieros de software? Carreras en computación (What Do Software Engineers Do? Careers in Computers)
- La asombrosa línea de montaje: Trabajar al mismo tiempo (The Amazing Assembly Line: Working at the Same Time)
- ¡La Revolución estadounidense de cerca! Mostrar eventos y procesos (The American Revolution Up Close! Showing Events and Processes)
- Derechos y responsabilidades en línea: Ciudadanía digital (Online Rights and Responsibilities: Digital Citizenship)
Grades 4–5 | SPANISH
(6-PKs of 32 Titles) • 978-1-5383-5957-0 • $1,689.60 | $1,440.00