Taking Your Band Online

Garage Bands

Years ago, anyone could start a band a jam in their garage, but getting the music out there to be heard by the masses was quite an uphill climb. Today with the help of the Internet and a little online marketing know-how, it?s much easier for a band to get their music heard around the globe. This volume offers readers practical information on how to promote and distribute their music on Web sites, social networks, and file-sharing software so that they can become rock stars with the click of a button.

* Reviews *

Book Review: Taking Your Band OnlineSavvy promoters with a little online marketing know-how, can promote their group so that their bands music is heard around the globe. Simone Payment offers readers practical information on how to promote and distribute their music on websites, social networks, and file-sharing software so that they can become music stars with the click of a button. Colorful photographs in a dynamic layout are accompanied by engaging text and helpful peripherals (glossary, suggested reading, and an index). The list of organizations that help talent get started is also useful.Hilary Welliver, Ludington Library
Product type:
ISBN: 978-1-4488-5664-0
Author: Simone Payment
Copyright: 2012
Reading Level: Grade 5
Interest Level: Grades 5-8
Lexile: 800L
Dimensions: 6 1/2" x 9 1/8"