Green Tree Pythons
Up a Tree
A favorite snake among the pet trade, green tree pythons are also quite at home in their natural habitat?high up in the trees. In this fact-filled volume, readers will find out the special, telltale way a green tree python wraps itself around a branch. They will also discover how and what it hunts, and the unique skills and adaptations that help it survive in the jungle canopy. Vivid photography and interesting text go hand-in-hand to provide an excellent resource on the green tree python.
* Reviews *
Series Review: Up a TreeThe pictures are clear and colorful and will catch the readers eye. The animals highlighted in each book will interest young readers. Short chapters and bright colored bubbles on each page give readers fun facts about the animals. Maps are included that show where the specific animals can be found. Also included is a two-page spread that gives several facts about the particular species. The books are very concise and easy for young readers; the pictures will entice readers of all ages.Library Media Connection