Understanding Maps of Our World

Maps are what make it possible to travel far from home, over land and sea, and still have a good idea where we are. This unique series takes a look at different types of maps, how they’re made, and what areas they service. These books teach young cartographers and travel fans how to understand the ins and outs of maps and navigation, exploration using maps, maps and measurements, and how maps chart our world.

* Reviews *

Series Review: Understanding Maps of Our WorldThe authors descriptions of cartographic challenges, old and new, result in a lot of valuable extras...The books further-reading lists, which include print and Web materials, are particularly extensive. Wonderful resources.School Library Journal
Product type: Single Copy Set
ISBN: 978-1-4339-3709-5
Copyright: 2010
Reading Level: Grade 4
Interest Level: Grades 4-6
Dimensions: 8 1/2" x 10 1/2"