U.S. Presidents: Myths or Facts?
The United States has had many presidents in the course of its short history. Each president has left their own mark on the history books, and many fascinating stories surround each of them. However, sometimes those stories are based on inaccuracies in reporting, and some were made more exciting by biographers. Some are just plain false! The books in this series explore six larger-than-life figures in U.S. history, focusing on the facts and myths that have shaped our modern understanding of them. Readers are sure to enjoy discovering fascinating facts about U.S. presidents, as well as learning more about the myths that have clung to each of the figures in this set well beyond the end of their terms as president.
• The manageable text is paired with stunning primary sources to aid reader comprehension
• Each book features a timeline of events in the president's life
• The set covers topics and information essential to the elementary social studies curriculum