The World of STEM

Young readers are fascinated by modern marvels like
lightning-fast transportation, towering skyscrapers, and exciting digital
platforms. These innovations represent the hard work of scientists and engineers
who never stop asking questions and solving problems. Aligned with the NextGen
Science Standards, this incredible series demonstrates the processes behind the
groundbreaking advances that shape contemporary life and gets students to think
critically about their purposes. Readers learn how plans and designs are created
to solve specific problems. Next, those designs are tested and analyzed as
inventors balance new ideas with limitations like available materials and cost.
This set describes the central steps of engineering design while encouraging
students to consider cutting-edge technology on the horizon.
Each Book

• Critical thinking questions in all chapters

• Explanations of
how and why technology has evolved over time

• Information about the
practical applications of mathematics
Curriculum Connections:

• Meets the
NextGen Science Standards for engineering design

• Presents information about
how scientists and engineers communicate their ideas

• Stimulates discussions
about future technology

Product type: Single Copy Set
ISBN: 978-1-5026-5400-7
Copyright: 2021
Reading Level: Grades 2-3
Interest Level: Grades 2-5
Dimensions: 7 1/8" x 8 1/2"