Maps and Mapping

Maps are most commonly used to display specific towns
and cities, geographic landmarks, and vast oceans. However, they can also show
other important features, such as weather patterns, populations, and trade.
Readers discover the value in learning how to utilize maps to find useful
information as they explore many clear examples of different kinds of maps. The
accessible main text encourages readers to remain curious about world geography
and other essential areas of knowledge. Helpful diagrams, detailed graphic
organizers, insightful fact boxes, and full-color photographs guide readers as
they learn the important life skill of understanding maps.

• Text and maps
support social studies and science curriculum topics

• Eye-catching design
elements and colorful map examples grab readers' attention and appeal to visual

• Carefully chosen topics and global focus help expand readers'
knowledge of the world

Product type: Single Copy Set
ISBN: 978-1-5345-3139-0
Copyright: 2020
Reading Level: Grade 4
Interest Level: Grades 3-5
Dimensions: 8 1/2" x 11"