View Spread InfoMax Common Core Readers L – O Set 1 InfoMax Common Core Readers RL Grades 3 IL Grades 3-4 Details: Product type: Classroom Kit ISBN: 978-1-4777-2760-7 Copyright: 2014 Reading Level: Grade 3 Interest Level: Grades 3-4 Dimensions: 8" x 8" Classroom Kit — $916.00 / $776.00 Other titles available in InfoMax Common Core Readers L – O Set 1 Brady Makes a Weather Graph Mountains and Valleys: What's the Difference? My Electricity Experiments Rachel Carson: Saving the Environment Exploring the Great Basin What Was It Like in Ancient China? How Do Microscopes Work? Nikola Tesla Lights the World Wings, Shells, and Fur: Surviving in the Wild My Allowance What Lives in a Marsh? Mysteries of the Sun Thurgood Marshall: Supreme Court Justice What Lives in Your Backyard? Rivers of the United States Landon's Local Government Sports! Have Fun and Stay Healthy Native American Art of the Northwest Coast