Courting History
Huge changes in our nation's social fabric have been ratified or implemented
through the decisions of our courts. From the freedom of the press ruling during
the colonial period through to the long struggle for civil rights for everyone,
the courts have played a large role in the history of the United States. With
primary sources used to place these rulings in historical perspective, the main
characters in the original lawsuits and the situations they faced are
introduced, as well as the attorneys and judges who argued and adjudicated the
cases. The primary arguments in the cases are presented side-by-side so students
can easily compare them, as are the highlights of the majority and dissenting
opinions of the judges. This series combines civics and culture to provide a
timely and valuable history lesson.
Each Book Contains:
• A side-by-side
comparison of the arguments presented by the attorneys on each side
• A
summary of the majority and dissenting opinions
• A sidebar on the chief
justice or head judge at the time of the ruling
• A look at the effects of
the case on society and how the ruling is viewed today
• The workings of our judiciary are revealed as students follow
the path cases took to reach our highest courts
• The relationship among the
three branches of our government as well as that between the federal government
and the states is explored through historic rulings
• Students can analyze
and critique the arguments and decisions of the courts in light of the effects
of their rulings on our society
• The role of regional culture and its
effects in a country that strives for national consensus on controversial topics
is examined