World War II: The Home Front
Normandy, Iwo Jima, Battle of the Bulge, the names of these infamous battles are etched into the minds of Americans, as are thoughts of the men and women who served in the armed forces. Yet there were many who fought in the war, but on the home front. This primary source portfolio describes such people. It takes a look at the welders who made bombers and tanks, the students who gathered scrap and worked in victory gardens, the citizens who did without meat, who contributed to war bond drives, who endured air raid blackouts, and who served in the Civil Defense nationwide. To paint a complete portrait of this turbulent and traumatic time, some inconsistencies that existed in American society are explored. Chief among these is that while Americans were fighting for freedom and human dignity abroad, not all citizens at home were insured with these basic rights. This portfolio features facsimiles of a full-sized ration book with stamps, front pages of newspapers, the Declaration of War on Japan, advertisement on conserving fats, canteen welcome card, and documents about labor strikes and prejudice in the workplace. Also included is a Study Guide with reproducible student activities and a timeline that chronicles events between 1929 and 1945. 5 Illustrated Broadsheet Essays: * The Coming Conflict: America Before Pearl Harbor * Pearl Harbor: Galvanizing the Nation * Rationing and War Bonds: Daily Life During the War * Division in Unity: Internal Conflicts * Postwar America: Victory Brings Change 15 Primary Source Documents: * Congressional Record, December 8, 1941 * Front page, San Francisco Call Bulletin, December 9, 1941 * Citizens' Defense Manual, Rhode Island Council of Defense * Identification cards for Civil Defense and Aircraft Warning Service * War Production Board advertisement showing why and how to conserve fats * War Ration Book, 1943 * Letter written during the month meat rationing began, March 28, 1943 * Office of War Information publication, "The Negroes' Role in the War," July 8, 1943 * Letter from National Federation for Constitutional Liberties about race riots in the U.S., July 8, 1943 * Issue of The Home Front, Connecticut War Council, February 1943 * CIO canteen welcome card * National Munitions Company strike packet, 1943 * Case study, Bendix Aviation and workplace prejudice * Newspaper advertisements, 1941 and 1945 * Front page, San Francisco Call Bulletin, August 15, 1945