The War of 1812
This primary source portfolio sheds much light on the complicated causes and results of the War of 1812. This two-year war was a war between Britain and the United States fought in Canada, on the Great Lakes, and at sites along the East Coast around to New Orleans. Initiated by the United States, it grew from aggravation to armed conflict as the U.S. refused to tolerate constant British intrusions. The intrusions included blockades of European markets, uninvited boarding of American ships, forcing American's into the British navy, arousing Indians against American settlers, and Western boundary disputes. Students will learn that buildings in Washington, D.C. were burned while in nearby Baltimore, the "Star-Spangled Banner" was written. Replicas of newspaper articles, the Congressional record, politicians' proclamations, a map of the battlegrounds, and poster of the "Battle of Oueenston Heights" for classroom display all richly present the War of 1812. This portfolio includes a Study Guide with reproducible student activities. 6 Illustrated Broadsheet Essays: * Collision at Sea * Clash in the Northwest * Peninsular War * War for the Lakes * Neptune Rises * Peace 10 Primary Source Documents: * Newspaper pages, New York Spectator, Christmas day, 1811 * John Randolph's anti-war speech to Congress, December 1811 * General William Hull's proclamation to Canadians, July 13, 1812 * Montreal Gazette report on the fall of Detroit, Sept. 7, 1812 * Engraving, Battle of Queenston Heights, Oct. 13, 1812 * Kingston Gazette report on summer raid at York, August 10, 1813 * Quebec Army $3.00 bill of exchange, March 1814 * Artist's painting imagining "The Capture of City of Washington," 1815 * Broadside: "Glorious News from New Orleans," February 1815 * Map of the land war in America, 1811 to 1815