Slavery Theme-Poster Set
This illustrated poster collection focuses on slavery by displaying historical articles and images from 1861 to 1865. The illustrations and cartoons are reproduced exactly as they appeared in Harper’s Weekly Magazine and Frank Leslie’s Illustrated with their original captions and size. Each poster is paired with an article from the publication, which details the historical importance and impact. These illustrated collections have been proven in the classroom to arouse students’ interest and increase their historical insight through use of this intriguing media form. 4 illustrated posters with 4 original newspaper articles: * “Stampede among the Negroes in Virginia, their arrival at Fortress Monroe," 1861 * “Our cotton campaign in South Carolina, gathering, ginning, packing and shipping the cotton crops,” 1862 * “The Emancipation of the Negroes, January 1863, the past and the future” * “Exciting scene in the House of Representatives, Jan. 31, 1865, on the announcement of the passage of the amendment to the Constitution abolishing slavery for ever”