Reel It In

Whether they are serious anglers or just enjoy the occasional weekend fishing trip, millions of Americans count fishing among their favorite activities. This high-interest series focuses on some of the most popular varieties of fishing. Each book is full of useful tips and techniques, great photographs of fish and fishing, and handy information about rods, reels, and other gear. Sidebars supply additional nuggets of interesting information, while a Web site offers useful links for anyone interested in recreational fishing. These engrossing books will appeal to both young readers who have taken fishing trips with their families since infancy and those who have yet to hold a fishing rod in their hands.

Product type: Classroom Collection
ISBN: 978-1-4488-7279-4
Copyright: 2012
Reading Level: Grades 2-3
Interest Level: Grades 3-6
Dimensions: 7 1/8" x 8 1/2"