View Spread Primary Sources of Ancient Civilizations: Egypt, Greece, and Rome RL Grades 3-4 IL Grades 4-8 Details: Product type: Single Copy Set ISBN: 978-1-4042-5002-4 Copyright: 2004 Reading Level: Grades 3-4 Interest Level: Grades 4-8 Dimensions: 8" x 8" Single Copy Set — $166.50 / $142.20 Other titles available in Primary Sources of Ancient Civilizations: Egypt, Greece, and Rome Art and Religion in Ancient Egypt Economy and Industry in Ancient Egypt Home Life in Ancient Egypt Land and Resources of Ancient Egypt Politics and Government in Ancient Egypt Technology of Ancient Egypt Art and Religion in Ancient Greece Economy and Industry in Ancient Greece Home Life in Ancient Greece Land and Resources of Ancient Greece Politics and Government in Ancient Greece Technology of Ancient Greece Art and Religion in Ancient Rome Economy and Industry in Ancient Rome Home Life in Ancient Rome Land and Resources of Ancient Rome Politics and Government in Ancient Rome Technology of Ancient Rome