Our Solar System

Our solar system is home to many kinds of worlds. The planet Mercury is hot and rocky. Neptune is cold and stormy. In between these two extremes are the rest of the planets in the solar system, including our home planet Earth. These stellar books take readers on an exciting journey from the sun to dwarf planet Pluto—and beyond! It’s time to blast off and explore our solar system.

* Reviews *

Series Review: Our Solar SystemThis series for younger readers is a solid introduction to the solar system...Bolded titles and vocabulary words, easy to read typeface with lower level text, and book size make this series perfect for early elementary students.Library Media Connection
Product type: Single Copy Set
ISBN: 978-1-4339-5052-0
Copyright: 2011
Reading Level: Grades K-2
Interest Level: Grades K-3
Dimensions: 7" x 7"