View Spread Nonfiction Independent Reading: Science RL Grades 3-4 IL Grades 3-6 Details: Product type: Single Copy Set ISBN: 978-1-4042-1239-8 Copyright: 2006 Reading Level: Grades 3-4 Interest Level: Grades 3-6 Single Copy Set — $284.70 / $242.00 Other titles available in Nonfiction Independent Reading: Science Everyday Physical Science Experiments with Magnetism Everyday Physical Science Experiments with Light Everyday Physical Science Experiments with Magnetism Hands-on Projects About Weather and Climate Everyday Science Experiments in the Kitchen Horses: Past and Present Vampire Bats The Koala Bear Great Horned Owls Stink Bugs Peanut-Head Bugs The Tarantula Dung Beetles The Life Cycle of a Duck The Life Cycle of an Earthworm A Kid's Guide to How Trees Grow Fungi Why Do Some Animals Shed Their Skin? Why Is the Sun So Hot? Why Does the Moon Change Its Shape? Why Are the North and South Poles So Cold? Tsunamis Floods Tambora Electrical Storms Green Sea Turtles Copperheads Poison Dart Frogs The Chameleon Our Solar System The Apollo 11 Mission Columbia The Big Dipper Let's Take a Field Trip to a Coral Reef Let's Take a Field Trip to the Deep Sea The Great White Shark Whales