Intelligent Design Versus Evolution

Because intelligent design is not accepted broadly in the scientific community, does this make it unacceptable to teach in schools? This anthology investigates the debate surrounding the origins of our species. With an eye toward critical inquiry, the essays in this critical edition approach both evolution and intelligent design with skepticism. Readers will gain an understanding of each theory, and a deeper context for current conversations in the news regarding the role of evolution in education and public policy.

* Reviews *

Review: Intelligent Design Versus EvolutionEach well-chosen selection raises fascinating questions about the legal and ethical aspects of each issue, inviting teens' empathy with personal histories as well as facts. With up-to-date, relevant resource lists and expertly edited selections, these volumes, like others in the venerable series, are natural choices to support high-school debates and classroom discussion.Booklist, March 2011
Product type: Paperback Book
ISBN: 978-0-7377-3680-9
Author: Louise I. Gerdes
Copyright: 2008
Reading Level: Grades 10-12+
Interest Level: Grades 9-12+
Dimensions: 6" x 9"