Historietas Juveniles: Mitologías (Jr. Graphic Mythologies)

Historietas Juveniles: Mitologías (Jr. Graphic Mythologies)

The mythological traditions of ancient civilizations are richly explored and vibrantly presented here. The beautiful illustrations and thrilling narratives will captivate your student with tales of gods, heroes, and monsters from Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Chinese, Mesoamerican, and West African myth. Each book includes a glossary of new words, and is adapted into standard Latin-American Spanish. • Photo-illustrated introduction explaining regional and cultural context • Background on the featured myths • Appendix with additional culturally-relevant mythical figures • Glossary, index, and websites for additional research

* Reviews *

Collection Review: Historietas Juveniles: Mitologas These titles feature condensed retellings of mythological stories from around the world...The fast-paced texts are matched with colorful comic-style illustrations, with three to four frames per page. Each title begins with a profile of the main characters. Both the stories and dialogue will appeal to reluctant readers. Good selections for most collections.School Library Journal
Product type: Classroom Kit
ISBN: 978-1-4042-8172-1
Copyright: 2009
Reading Level: Grades 2-3
Interest Level: Grades 3-6
Dimensions: 6 1/2" x 10"