Henry's Hamster Goes to School / Henry's Hamster
Rosen REAL Readers: STEM and STEAM Collection
Fiction and nonfiction pairs provide opportunities for students to analyze and compare different perspectives. This pairing supports thinking across texts by illustrating how different authors treat a similar topic. Excitingly, this pairing contrasts craft and structure of fiction with craft and structure of informational texts. In this fictional narrative, Henry’s Hamster Goes to School, it's Pet Day at school and Henry and his classmates are all excited. They create a graph that illustrates all the different animals that attended. Readers learn the important steps of caring for their beloved animals. This fiction book is paired with the book, Henry's Hamster, for connecting across texts and comprehension through connection strategies. This nonfiction book gives emerging readers basic life science information about a boy’s pet hamster. Readers will love to read about these sweet animals in this well paired theme set.