The Depression
On October 29, 1929, the New York stock market crashed and heralded the onset of the great Depression. It has been estimated that between twelve to fifteen million workers were unemployed by 1933. What were conditions really like in the cities? What problems were faced by the farmers? How was the discontent of the nation manifested? In a format designed for both personal enjoyment and classroom participation, this primary source portfolio puts the evidence directly in the reader's hands. Through the use of primary materials such as newspapers, pictures, flyers, and posters, the reader can sense the feelings of fear, discouragement, futility, and anger as the people attempted to survive the black days of the Depression. This portfolio includes a Study Guide with reproducible student activities. 5 Illustrated Broadsheet Essays: * The Crash * Depression in Urban America * Depression in Rural America * Protest and Discontent * Impact of the Depression 12 Primary Source Documents: * Page 1 of Variety, Wednesday, October 30, 1929 * The Depression: A Family Album * Sign: "Unemployed: Buy Apples 5 cents Each" * Depression Scrip * A & P Advertising Flyer, 1933 * Auction Sale poster for farm equipment, North Dakota, 1933 * Page 1 of The Emporia Gazette, May 11, 1934 * Photo Sequence: A Texas Dust Storm * Page 1 of The Daily Worker, Monday, January 27, 1930 * Broadside: "Veterans March to Washington," 1932 * Campaign flyer: "Closing-Out Sale of the G.O.P. Party," 1932 * Poster: "NRA: WE DO OUR PART"