Graphic Battles of World War II
The largest seaborne invasion in history began on June 6, 1944, with overnight parachute and glider landings, massive air attacks and naval bombardments, and an early morning amphibious assault on the beaches of Normandy, France. For two months the battle raged through France, final resulting in the liberation of Paris in August, as Allied forces put yet another nail into the coffin of Nazi Germany?s fate.
* Reviews *
Series Review: Graphic Battles of World War IIThis series includes well-written and illustrated accounts of several events during World War III was impressed with the illustrations and the lack of blood and gore shown during the battle scenes, which makes them suitable for younger students. These books would also work well for older students who may need to outline or high-light the important facts from a World War II battle. Maureen Mooney, Library Media Specialist, Caroline St. School, Saratoga Springs, NYRL
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