Culture Wars

Culture war is the conflict between traditionalist or conservative values and social democracy, progressive, or social liberal values in the Western world, and other countries. This collection of essays presents various topics relating to culture wars. How does the culture war affect politics in the United States? Is there a culture war between believers and humanists? Is the culture war going global? Is the culture war a matter of economics? These four questions are answered across four chapters of compelling pro versus con essays, providing readers with crucially needed balanced viewpoints.

* Reviews *

Review: Culture WarsThis series does a great job presenting diverse opinions on current topics in order to promote critical thinking skills. Student debaters and papers writers will benefit from the helpful way in which the selections are organized and introduced.KLIATT, March 2008
Product type: Paperback Book
ISBN: 978-0-7377-3756-1
Author: Mitchell Young
Copyright: 2008
Reading Level: Grades 10-12+
Interest Level: Grades 9-12+
Dimensions: 6" x 9"