Ask the Experts

Our world changes at a fast pace, and our youngest global citizens must be informed about the key issues that affect our present and future on Earth. Readers are introduced to topics like genetic engineering, the world's increasing population, global positioning, and the future of our economy. Readers are treated to the opinions of experts in the field while gaining an awareness of the issues that weigh on the minds of people around the globe. Each volume in the series includes insets titled "You're the Expert," which pose thoughtful questions to readers and challenge them to form their own opinions; similarly, insets entitled "The Debate" present both sides of these issues, giving readers a well-rounded and fair view of each topic. Readers are encouraged to think outside of their comfort zones and consider their roles in the ever-changing global climate. • Age-appropriate content supports social sciences curriculum  Thought-provoking insets challenge readers to think critically

Product type: Single Copy Set
ISBN: 978-1-4339-8846-2
Copyright: 2013
Reading Level: Grades 6-8
Interest Level: Grades 6-8
Dimensions: 8" x 10"