Make-a-Splash Writing Rules
Grammar All-Stars: Writing Tools
Buzz Star joins his friends Michaela Fillups and Flip Franklin to cover the State Finals Junior Swim Meet for P-L-A-Y TV. As Michaela and Flip splash to first place, Buzz teaches them some helpful writing rules. Dive in to the All-Star Activity and you’ll bring home the gold medal!
* Reviews *
Series Review: Grammar All-Stars: Writing ToolsIts not easy making grammar appealing to young readers...Clever names are used in all three books, such as Tour de Chance for the bike race and the kids names like Sue Z. Kew, Rex Less, Nancy Legstrong, and swimmers Clora Eene and Francie Finn. Children should like that humor. If your library could use updated grammar guides for young readers, those on punctuation and simile and metaphors are serviceable additions.School Library JournalRL
2-4 IL
2-5 GRL