What Is a Hate Crime?

Is a hate crime different from other types of crime? What accounts for the rise in hate crime legislation? Is it right to impose limits on speech to avoid hate crime? Such questions guide the essays in this anthology, which seeks to broaden the reader's understanding of what a hate crime is and how we think about and act on hate crimes. Readers learn about the topic and the legal and social implications for how we treat free speech and perceptions of race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Supports key Social Studies curriculum standards.

* Reviews *

Review: What Is a Hate Crime?Each well-chosen selection raises fascinating questions about the legal and ethical aspects of each issue, inviting teens' empathy with personal histories as well as facts. With up-to-date, relevant resource lists and expertly edited selections, these volumes, like others in the venerable series, are natural choices to support high-school debates and classroom discussion.Booklist, March 2011
Product type: Paperback Book
ISBN: 978-0-7377-2437-0
Author: Robert Winters
Copyright: 2007
Reading Level: Grades 10-12+
Interest Level: Grades 9-12+
Dimensions: 6" x 9"