Social Justice

This must-have book explores whether or not the United States should do more to reduce economic inequality through wage regulation and tax reform. It examines policies such as affirmative action and reparations for minorities, and obstacles like the gender wage gap and the glass ceiling for women. Readers will also look at global policies that promote social justice, such as foreign aid and use of genetically modified crops to ease world hunger. Essay sources include Binoy Barman, Chuck Norris, Ashley English, Holly Sklar, and Ari Melber.

* Reviews *

Review: Social JusticeAs always in the Opposing Viewpoints series, there are voices from many sides of the debate.Booklist, April 2002
Product type: Paperback Book
ISBN: 978-0-7377-4784-3
Author: David M. Haugen
Copyright: 2010
Reading Level: Grades 10-12+
Interest Level: Grades 9-12+
Dimensions: 6" x 9"