The Black Death
The Black Death, bubonic plague, swept across Europe in the 14th century wiping out almost half the population. This terrible disease had more effect on Europe's political and economic history than any war or conquest since the Roman Empire. The worst outbreak in Britain was the one that occurred in the 14th century, although the Great Plague in 1665 is the most famous. This primary source portfolio uses pictorial evidence and contemporary accounts to illustrate the misconceptions that the Middle Ages had about the Plague, and the desperate but ineffective ways in which they tried to halt it. The fanatical flagellants who roamed Europe scourging each other with metal-tipped whips, the terrifying practices of the grave-diggers, the superstitious amulets and magical philtres are only part of the story. The collection is not limited to 14th-century evidence, but includes material relating to other important outbreaks of this terrible disease. This portfolio includes a Study Guide with reproducible student activities. 6 Illustrated Broadsheet Essays: * The Path of the Plague * Diagnosis * Rules and Regulations * The Dance of Death * The Witnesses * The Economic Effect 9 Primary Source Documents: * Illumination from a 15th-century Book of Hours * 14th-century Inquisition Writ * 14th-century report on an Inquisition * The Lubeck "Dance of Death" * Plague banner * Pages from "A passing gode lityll boke necessarye & behoveful agenst the Pestilence" * Engraving from Johan de Ketham's "Fasciculo Medicinae" * Two plague crosses * The Artist as Witness: picture chart