World War II: Atomic Bomb
Use this primary source portfolio to open the sensitive discussion of whether the United States was justified in using the atomic bomb to end World War II. Fourteen historical documents chronicle the events that led to the development of the terrifying new weapon that would destroy the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and launch the world into a dangerous, new Atomic Age. Students will view for themselves a letter written by Albert Einstein to President Roosevelt, letters and cables to and from President Truman regarding the pros and cons of using the bomb, the official bombing order, newspaper articles, photographs, anti-Japanese propaganda, and a resolution passed by the City Council of Hiroshima in response to Truman's lack of remorse for dropping the bomb. This portfolio also provides comprehensive Reproducible Student Activities, including vocabulary, writing, research, and creative thinking exercises, and a teacher's response key. A timeline of events from 1931 to 1945 put all the details into perspective. 4 Illustrated Broadsheet Essays: * Japan's Push for Power * A Secret Project * Should America Use the Bomb? * Hiroshima and Nagasaki Destroyed 14 Primary Source Documents: * Letter from Albert Einstein to President Roosevelt, August 2, 1939 * Anti-Japanese propaganda poster * Ralph Bard memo to Interim Committee on using the atomic bomb against Japan, June 27, 1945 * Petition circulated among scientists urging President Truman not to use the bomb, July 17, 1945 * Truman journal entry on power of the bomb and his resolve to use it on a Japanese target, July 25, 1945 * Bombing order from U.S. War Department to Army Air Force, July 25, 1945 * Truman letter to his wife on negotiations at Potsdam Conference, July 31, 1945 * Statement by President Truman announcing Hiroshima bombing, August 6, 1945 * Newspaper front-page articles on Hiroshima blast, Japan's surrender, and the end of the war, August 7 and 15, 1945 * Cable, Senator Russell to President Truman, urging that Japan be dealt with harshly, and Truman's response, August 7 and 9, 1945 * Cable, Samuel Cavert to President Truman, expressing concern over use of the atomic bombs, and Truman's response, August 9 and 11, 1945 * Resolution of the City Council of Hiroshima in response to Truman's statements about using the bomb, 1958 * Handwritten document by Truman on the Nuclear Age, 1958 * Atomic bomb photo-poster