Holocaust Children
This photographic poster collection includes reproducible masters of a broadsheet essay, activities sheet, and a photo analysis worksheet, plus two Holocaust fact lists. 12 Historical Photographs: * Mother and Son Wearing the "Jew" Label * Jewish Refugee Children Arrive in England before WWII * Warsaw Ghetto Beggars: "They sat everywhere...and begged." * Jewish Children Board Train to Treblinka Concentration Camp. * After the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Soldiers March Captured Jews Away * Women and Children March to Death Camp Train * Gypsy Prisoners Awaiting Fate to Concentration Camp * Hungarian Jews Walk to Gassing. * Buchenwald Survivor: "He saw it all." * At a Roll-call, a Young Survivor Waits for Freedom * Youthful Jews after Liberation from Death Camp * Gaunt Death Camp Survivors Face Liberators' Cameras