The Crusades
This primary source portfolio examines the major Crusades, who took part in them, and what they accomplished. In 1095, Pope Urban II addressed the participants of a church council in Clermont, France. During the speech, Urban called upon the nobles of western Europe to travel to the east and help their fellow Christians, the Byzantines, against the Muslim Seljuk Turks. Urban also encouraged them to free Jerusalem, the holiest city in Christianity, from Muslim control. Large numbers of Christians were galvanized by Urban's call and made their way to the Middle East in a series of Crusades. This is the name given to the wars fought by Christians on behalf of their religion. Although unsuccessful in the long run, the Crusades left a lasting impression on European and Middle Eastern history. Some of that impression was negative while some was positive. This portfolio includes a Study Guide with reproducible student activities. It also includes a comprehensive timeline that covers events from 1095 to 1453 and a Who's Who of the Crusades list. 4 Illustrated Broadsheet Essays: * The Idea of Crusade Takes Hold * The First and Second Crusades, A Contrast * Muslim Leaders Take the Offensive and Europe Responds * Later Crusades 13 Primary Source Documents: * Pope Urban II Calls Forth the First Crusade * A Description of Peter the Hermit * A Byzantine Princess Remembers a Crusader * Medieval Manuscript Page: Siege of Antioch * The Siege of Jerusalem * Taxes of the Kingdom of Jerusalem * Latins in the East * A Negative View of the Crusade * The Battle of Hittin * The Fourth Crusade and the Sack of Constantinople * Jerusalem at the Time of the Crusades * Medieval Manuscript Page: Muslims Entering al-Mansura * Routes of the Crusaders