Core Skills: Set 2

The Common Core standards take a cross-disciplinary approach to literacy. Real-world examples and sample projects in each volume arm readers with the research, writing, and presentation skills they need to succeed in school, careers, and beyond. This series also encourages readers to engage with literary and informational texts critically and thoughtfully and to find meaningful ways to share what they learn. Core Skills supports the Common Core state standards and is a must-have addition to library shelves. • Set can be used to meet Common Core ELA Standards in reading and writing • Offers real-world examples and how-to “Quick Tip” boxes • Students can use the wealth of facts, tips, and details included to write informative essays or present clearly and effectively

* Reviews *

Series Review: Core SkillsThe Titles Contain Everything From Descriptions Of Graphic Organizers That Can Help Students Arrange Their Research To How To Cite Different Sources Of Information. Rather Than Just Telling Readers About Researching, The Series
Product type: Classroom Collection
ISBN: 978-1-4994-0332-9
Copyright: 2015
Reading Level: Grades 4-5
Interest Level: Grades 3-6
Dimensions: 7 1/8" x 8 1/2"