Rosen Common Core Readers A – D Collection 1 Teacher's Guide
This Teacher’s Guide is used in companion with the Rosen Common Core Readers. Lesson Plans, quizzes, and activities are paired with the books of Set 1, GRL leveled readers A through D. Each book is used to satisfy requirements of the Common Core for English/Language Arts, addressing the domains of Reading Informational Texts, Language, Reading Foundations, Speaking and Listening, and Writing. CCSS English Language Arts Strands & Standards: Literacy.L.K.1, Literacy.L.K.2, Literacy.L.K.4, Literacy.L.K.5, Literacy.L.K.6, Literacy.RI.K.1, Literacy.RI.K.2, Literacy.RI.K.3, Literacy.RI.K.4, Literacy.RI.K.5, Literacy.RI.K.6, Literacy.RI.K.7, Literacy.RI.K.8, Literacy.RI.K.9