Pilgrims and the Mayflower
In 1600s England, religious sects called Puritans and Separatists found life dangerous in the Anglican England of King James I. Known as "Pilgrims," they moved to practice their faith in Holland, but found James's influence reached even there. James, eager to increase his colonies abroad, granted the Pilgrims permission to settle in the New World. This primary source portfolio details the ordeals the Pilgrims endured in their quest for religious freedom. This portfolio contains a comprehensive Study Guide with reproducible activities including vocabulary, writing, research and creative thinking exercises, and a teacher's answer key. A timeline covering events from 1492 to 1622 helps students put everything in perspective. 4 Illustrated Broadsheet Essays: * To Dwell Among Crystal Rivers * Sixty-Six Days * Why Settle in the Wilderness? * The New Colony 9 Primary Source Documents: * Booklet: The Pilgrims and Their England * The Pilgrims' request to settle in Leyden, 1609 * Hubbard map, first map of New England printed in the New World, 1677 * The Plimoth Patent granted by King James I to the settlers, 1621 * Pages from A Relation or Journal of the Proceedings of the Plantation Settled at Plimoth in New England, 1622 * Pages from Good Newes from New England by Edward Winslow, 1624 * List of provisions which would-be settlers were advised to bring from England, 1630 * Extracts from William Bradford's A History of Plimoth Plantation * An appraisal of the Mayflower, 1624