Young Shakespeare
Bring Shakespeare into the classroom for your students with this account of his boyhood, and the places and events that were influential in his development. Thought-provoking, illustrated broadsheet essays and hands-on documents will help students’ knowledge grow as they travel with young Shakespeare from home to school to London. This portfolio includes a Student Guide with reproducible activities. 7 Illustrated Broadsheet Essays: * Home * School * Shakespeare Learns to Write * Heroes * Books * Games * Young Shakespeare Goes to London 7 Primary Source Documents: * Sixteenth-century engraving of a football pitch * Page from Holinshed's Chronicle, 1577, referring to Macbeth and the three witches with title page from Lily's English Grammar * Norden's maps of London and Westminster, 1593 * Page from The Book of Sir Thomas More thought to be in Shakespeare's hand * Photographs of Elizabethan buildings * Portrait of Shakespeare by Droeshout from the First Folio, 1623 * Examples of contemporary handwriting and writing-books