A Century of Smoking & Tobacco
Shake up and educate your students with thought-provoking, hands-on documents and photographs detailing the history and horrors of smoking and tobacco. This portfolio relates tobacco history in the U.S. from the 1870s to 1997. Marketing strategies of the tobacco industry, the inconsistent stands of the government, environmental tobacco smoke, and tobacco control movements are documented. The long history of the anti-tobacco movements and the grim evidence of tobacco¬タルs addictiveness provide a basis for serious class discussion. Many of the primary source documents are true-to-size as the originals. This portfolio includes a Student Guide with reproducible activities, and a Tobacco Timeline. 5 Illustrated Broadsheet Essays: * Tobacco Production, Regulation, and Consumption * U.S. Government Regulation of Tobacco * Tobacco Control by States, Organizations, and Litigation * Tobacco Advertising * Tobacco and Health Risks 15 Primary Source Documents: * Painting of "bright" tobacco leaf, actual size * Cover of "Anti-Tobacco Journal," 1861 * Photos of tobacco industry equipment, early 1800s * Page from 1910 Ohio General Code banning cigarette sales to persons under 18 years old * Facsimile of cigarette company's popular, flannel rug and college pennant giveaway appealing to women, 1912 * Poster, "The Boy Who Smokes Cigarettes," 1925 * Cover of "The Shield," 1944; cartoon deals with cigarette advertising that targets children as well as adults * Report on smoking and youth from youth conference, 1964 * Woodbridge Ill, 1989 ordinance eliminating tobacco sales to minors, teen smoking there dropped more than 50% * American Heart Association poster, "You've Come a Long Way, Now Don't Let Advertisers 'Baby' You Anymore, Quit Smoking!" 1992 * EPA report, July 1993, on hazards of "secondhand smoke" * Baseball stadiums eliminating tobacco advertising, 1997 * List of cigarette brands promoted in popular movies * Poster, statistics, and charts on cigarette consumption, 1900-1997 * Poster of anticigarette cartoons, 1910-1995