The Coming of War: 1939
"The war to end all wars," was a phrase widely used after the First World War, yet by September 1939, Britain was again at war. Was this conflict inevitable? Many people, in particular the appeasers such as Lord Lothian and Neville Chamberlain, thought that Hitler could be deterred; others, like Sir Horace Rumbold feared the rise of Nazi Germany as early as 1933. Through facsimile documents, newspaper articles, and photographs, this primary source portfolio traces the history of the years leading up to war. The events are analyzed, the issues set out, and the different contemporary opinions are portrayed, giving your students a vivid picture of the social and political background of the times. Included in the exhibits are Rumbold's confidential report of 1933, the statement signed by Chamberlain and Hitler in 1938, the Evening Standard report of Duff Cooper's resignation, and the front page of the Daily Herald announcing the outbreak of war. This portfolio includes a Study Guide with reproducible student activities. 4 Illustrated Broadsheet Essays: * Hitler's Rise to Power * Europe Watches Germany * The Road to Munich * Last Steps to War 11 Primary Source Documents: * Maps illustrating the relationship of Germany to the rest of Europe, 1919 to 1939 * A confidential report describing the meeting in May 1933 between Sir Horace Rumbold and Adolf Hitler * A booklet of pictures and quotations illustrating the spread of fascism and Hitler's rise to power * The certificate, signed by Hitler, which accompanied the medal awarded to the British diplomat Basil Newton, in commemoration of the Olympic Games held in Berlin in 1936 * A handbill advertising a Mosley meeting that was handed to Randolph Churchill as he came out of a theater * Front page of the News Chronicle, September 15, 1938, announcing Chamberlain's departure for Munich * Statement signed by Chamberlain and Hitler, September 30, 1938 * A page of the Evening Standard, October 1, 1938, reporting Duff Cooper's resignation from the Government * A poster announcing the provision of gas helmets for babies * Minute of the Cabinet meeting held on September 2, 1939, at which it was decided to issue an ultimatum to Hitler * Front page of the Daily Herald, September 4, 1939, announcing the outbreak of war